Having a growth mindset means to understand that one's intelligence and abilities can be developed and strengthened rather than existing in a fixed state (Ku & Stager, 2022). Instructors can incorporate growth mindset into teaching through the strategies described below to support students' long-term intellectual growth and self-efficacy (Ku & Stager, 2022). Growth mindsets aid in developing self-regulation, self-awareness, capacity for learning, ability to overcome challenges, and problem solve (Mrazek et al., 2018).
Students who can internalize a growth mindset are better able to fulfill long-term learning goals rather than just “make the grade” (Stump et al., 2014) Further, employing a growth mindset in teaching has been shown to increase student retention (Hempel, Kiehlbaugh & Blowers, 2022, p. 45). With a growth mindset, students can take initiative in their own learning over time and build their self-efficacy. As they grow as academics and professionals, they will be better equipped to approach challenges as manageable opportunities for growth.
On the other hand, with a fixed mindset in which people are seen as having an unchanging level of intelligence, ability and capacity for learning, academic performance actually decreases – especially in marginalized student bodies such as among Black, Latino, and Indigenous students (Ku & Stager, 2022). Promoting a growth mindset over a fixed mindset can empower students of all backgrounds and abilities to value learning and their own intellectual development. The following table depicts the differences between how a growth mindset and a fixed mindset shapes student experience:
Comparison between growth and fixed mindset in students.
Growth Mindset | Fixed Mindset |
Higher academic achievement (Nalipay et al., 2021). | Lower academic performance (Nalipay et al., 2021). |
More resilient to stress (Nalipay et al., 2021). | Less resilient to stress (Nalipay et al., 2021). |
Greater mental health (Nalipay et al., 2021). | Worse mental and physical health (Nalipay et al., 2021). |
More engaged with coursework (Nalipay et al., 2021). | Decreased life satisfaction (Nalipay et al., 2021). |
Strategies to regulate emotions and adapt to challenges (Nalipay et al., 2021). | Pursue performance goals such as making a grade (Nalipay et al., 2021). |
Using strategies to improve and master skills (Nalipay et al., 2021). | Sees exuding more effort as having less actual ability (Nalipay et al., 2021). |
Better equipped to respond to life’s challenges (Kroeper et al., 2022). | Feel helpless in ability to modify learning strategies (Kroeper et al., 2022). |
The disparity in outcomes between students with a growth or fixed mindset may stem with the fact that a growth mindset relies on problem solving and pursuit of specific learning goals. Students with a fixed mindset may think it is impossible to improve. Therefore, if they failed at something, they would continue to fail at it, which in turn gets internalized and becomes a hindrance to one’s self-efficacy (Kroeper et al., 2022).
Once you understand the benefits adopting a growth mindset can have for students, we can examine how a growth mindset benefits you as an instructor. Below are some strategies instructors can utilize to integrate a growth mindset into their teaching:
According to Kroeper et al. (2022), there is a misconception that a growth mindset is simply all positive remarks directed at students and a fixed mindset is all negative remarks directed at students, whereas more specifically, a professor can be warm and kind while still communicating to a student (using a fixed mindset) that they cannot improve. For example, “It’s okay if you’re not good at math, some people just aren’t.” Or, a professor can be harsh while communicating using a growth mindset by saying something like “You didn’t do well on this test because you are lazy and didn’t work hard enough.” It is not the tone with which the message is delivered, or the kindness it is delivered with, but the messaging that a student can (growth mindset) improve or cannot (fixed mindset) improve.
Adopting a growth mindset as an instructor, and implementing one into your classes, promotes a healthy relationship with learning and building one’s confidence in themselves to overcome obstacles such as difficult class content. An instructor can promote a growth mindset to their students by acknowledging the effort they put into their work, providing constructive feedback and advice to foster better learning strategies, and emphasizing through their language that students always have the ability to learn and grow.
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