Canvas App and Browser Compatibility

Canvas Browser Compatibility

Canvas runs under modern web browsers and devices, and you can see which browser you are using at the bottom right of this screen. As outlined in the Canvas guide, below are system requirements and available updates to make your device compatible with Canvas. By default, Canvas will support the most current version of your preferred browser.

Browser Links to Update Browser
Chrome 106 and 107 Chrome
Firefox 105 and 106  (extended releases are not supported) Firefox
Edge 104 and 105 Microsoft Edge
Respondus Lockdown Browser (supporting the latest system requirements) Respondus Lockdown Browser
Safari 15 and 16 (Macintosh only) Safari

For more information please see the Canvas Community's information on browser compatibility.

Note Safari 13.1 and later versions contain an update that may cause issues with downloading files, displaying images, and playing chat alerts in Canvas. Canvas engineers are currently working on a solution for this issue. Until then, you may avoid errors with files, images, and alerts by disabling cross-site tracking prevention in Safari when using Canvas. If disabling cross-site tracking doesn't resolve these issues, please try one of the other supported browsers.

Computer Specifications

For best performance, you should access Canvas with a computer that supports the most recent browser versions. It is recommended to use a computer five years old or newer with at least 1GB of RAM.

Operating System: Canvas only requires an operating system that can run the latest compatible web browsers. Your computer operating system should be kept up to date with the latest recommended security updates and upgrades.

Internet Speed: Along with compatibility and web standards, Canvas has been carefully crafted to accommodate low bandwidth environments. It is recommended to have a minimum Internet speed of 512kbps.

Canvas Mobile App Resources

Canvas offers mobile apps for students and instructors; instead of opening Canvas within a mobile browser, it is recommended that users download the instructor app ("Canvas Teacher") or student app ("Canvas"). Visit the Apple or Google Play store on your smartphone to download the app, and take a look at the Canvas Community's Mobile Guides for support!

Mobile Guides: Canvas Instructor App

Mobile Guides: Canvas Student App

Mobile Device Compatibility

If it is necessary to view Canvas via a mobile browser, the following major browsers are compatible with the mobile version of Canvas:

iOS Android
Safari (default browser with limited Canvas support) Chrome (default browser with limited Canvas support)
Chrome Internet