GSTEP: Graduate Student Teaching Excellence Program

The Graduate Student Teaching Excellence Program (GSTEP) is a zero-credit course designed for all UNT graduate students regardless of teaching experience. The course focuses on a variety of topics related to university teaching and student learning including: identifying assumptions about teaching and learning, writing learning objectives, designing effective assessment techniques and active learning environments, evaluating teaching effectiveness, and working with a diverse population of learners.

The learning objectives of this course are for students to:

  • Engage UNT Teaching Assistants around intentional conversations about teaching and learning.
  • Elevate and improve the andragogical skills of the UNT teaching community and increase retention of students at UNT.
  • Facilitate opportunities for UNT Teaching Assistants to practice and reflect on their developing andragogy.

GSTEP is offered every Fall 16-week term and Spring 16-week term to all UNT graduate students. Currently, the Summer 10-week term is reserved solely for Ph.D. students in the G. Brint Ryan College of Business.