Evaluation of an Emerging Virtual Classroom - 2022 AECT Presentation
October 2022
In this research driven presentation with accompanying Q&A and platform demonstration,
AECT attendees learned about the emerging virtual classroom platform Engageli and
its use in a variety of educational contexts, as an alternative to current common
virtual classrooms like Zoom, as a stage for public forum, and as an advanced recording
platform that enables interactivity for asynchronous classes beyond the standalone
video lecture. Findings shared from our pilot with Professors Debbie Cockerham and
Brian Lain. How to cite it: Archibald, A., Shahzad, R., Heap, T., Lain, B., and Cockerham,
D. (2022). To be Built for More than Convenience – Evaluation of an Emerging Virtual
Classroom. Poster presented at 2022 AECT International Convention, October 24-28,
Las Vegas, NV.